Originally published in 1994 on Super Famicom under the name Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, River City Girls Zero lets you hit the streets with series mainstays Kunio and Riki alongside hot-blooded heroines Misako and Kyoko in one- or two-player action.
Armed with an arsenal of punches, kicks, slams, stomps, and character-specific special moves, the quartet dishes out justice to countless criminals as they attempt to clear Kunio and Riki of a heinous crime. Along the way, you'll visit a variety of locales - including a crumbling school, a pachinko parlor, and an amusement park - and even fight from the back of a motorcycle!
While the classic graphics, soundtrack, and gameplay remain true to their original forms thanks to Limited Run Games' Carbon Engine, the game delivers several new features, including new opening and closing motion-comic cutscenes, a new animated intro, and brand-new music by River City Girls composer Megan McDuffee and rapper DEMONDICE.
River City Girls Zero also features both classic and RCG-style English translations, as well as language options for Spanish, French, German, and Italian, plus the original Japanese.
Key Features
The classic 16-bit beat-’em-up, Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, officially translated and released in the West after 28 years!
Switch between four playable characters, each with unique special moves!
Intriguing story and characters that inspired River City Girls 1 & 2!
Bone-busting combat: Unleash an arsenal of punches, kicks, jump attacks, grabs, and more!
1p or 2p local co-op gameplay!
A variety of environments: high school, the docks, an amusement park, a pachinko parlor, and more!
Battle from a motorcycle in "Mode 7” style vehicle stages!
Image gallery featuring vintage box art, manual images, and additional content!
New motion-comic cutscenes featuring dual-language (English/Japanese) audio, with Kayli Mills and Kira Buckland reprising their roles as Misako and Kyoko!
New animated intro and new music by River City Girls composer Megan McDuffee and DEMONDICE!