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Double Pug Switch Review

Writer's picture: AshraaAshraa

Double Pug Switch is coming out on PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch eShop for $8.99 on October 22nd. Its a side scrolling 2D platformer, developed and published by Polygon Lift.

The game has a really nice little intro sequence that sets the scene for the core game.

Starting out in a generic laboratory, a mischievous cat called "Whiskers" tips over some test tubes onto our unsuspecting protagonist pug "Otis". This mixture of liquids for some reason sends him spiraling into another dimension where things get a lot worse.

I mean a whole lot worse!

The cut scenes are literally the only thing good about this game, its an absolute stinker.

The gameplay is a mix of temple run and those phase shift sections of Titanfall 2. Although again in a very bad way.

You play the part of Otis the pug, at the start of each level you automatically start to run, then as obstacles approach you need to either jump or "phase shift" into an alternate dimension to avoid traps, or land on platforms not there in your current dimension.

The game is dull, unimaginative and difficult. Not difficult in a good way, where you may need to think outside the box to solve a puzzle or "git gud" at combat to defeat a tricky boss. It's difficult in the dullest way imaginable.

You will die to an obstacle and start again, you'll remember the obstacle you died on and take counter measures accordingly this time, then die on the next obstacle...rinse and repeat.

It's not so much a game as it is a stress test, to see how much frustration and monotony a person can take before they realise hammering rusty nails through their testicles into a wooden chair would be more fun and less self harm than playing this.

With the exception of the intro and cut scenes the graphics are basic, dull and uninspiring. Like stock assets in a "build your own platformer" package. There is literally nothing I can name that would be a redeeming feature to make this game worthy of any price tag.

I really never like to leave a review on a negative, but it's so hard to find anything positive to say about this title......but here goes...

If "Double Switch Pug "were free it would be worth installing, but only to watch the intro, then purge it from your PC/Switch and your memory and get on with your life.


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