Get ready to plunge into the realm of Farsiders, where magic meets technology in a top-down hack-and-slash adventure crafted by GambitGhost Studio!

GambitGhost Studio's brainchild has already made waves by blitzing through its Kickstarter funding goal in a jaw-dropping 24 hours, showcasing an unprecedented level of anticipation. However, beneath the surface of excitement lies a layer of skepticism, fueled by concerns over its combat simplicity, basic visuals, and lackluster audio design.

Farsiders promises an epic saga packed with legendary heroes and infamous villains, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the doubts. This adrenaline-fueled adventure pledges lightning-fast combat and an immersive storyline that'll keep you on the edge of your seat.
Will it soar to greatness or stumble on its quest?
One immediately problematic issue for me is the combat system. While the ability to use various cards and equipment to vary skills is innovative, the system itself is pretty basic and lacks depth.
Another potential problem is the game’s aesthetics. While the presentation is decent, the overall design seems quite uninspiring. The sound design is also "iffy", as it seems lacking in quality and creativity.
That being said, the slick, fast-paced combat, while not particularly deep, can still be a lot of fun.

Let’s not forget that the game has managed to generate a decent amount of hype and interest, which suggests that there’s something about it that’s capturing players’ attention.