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Writer's pictureAshraa

Krut, Mythic wings or Epic failure?

 Based on a Thai animated movie from 2018, Krut is a side scrolling, metroidvania style hack and slash. You play the part of a Garuda (warrior bird people) fighting against the Rakshasa (stone ogre things).

I really wanted to like this but its just tedious at best.

It looks lovely and the protagonist's moveset and mechanics are spot on.

But the enemy and level design make this an almost instant turn off. It's rare that I can't stick with a game for a while, even the worst titles I try and keep playing to give the benefit of the doubt, especially so for reviews.... But this I honestly couldn't stick more than a couple of hours.


Touted as a "fast-paced hack and slash" this is most definitely not. The base enemies are bullet sponges, with hermit crab trash mobs taking 8 or 9 swings of your sword to dispatch. These should be a well timed dodge roll and a slash to eliminate, it just reduces gameplay to a crawl...

.....and you cant just speed run past them either, you need their soul drops to unlock checkpoints to get to the next area (which looks exactly the same but with bigger crabs that take even more bashing).


Enemy attacks just seem arbitrary too, swapping between long telegraphed, easy to dodge, attacks to just insta smacks that are unavoidable. First boss is an even bigger bullet sponge that is actually far easier to fight than the crabs.

You have a basic attack, heavy attack and a heavy attack that you charge for 2 seconds to unleash a shockwave... but they all seem to do exactly the same damage so just spam "X" and dodge.

 I could have forgiven all this if they're were plentiful weapon upgrades and loot to compensate, if this were just an initial game speed bump.. but it's not, it's simply poor design and balancing that ruins the overall cadence of the game.

Ultimately very disappointing, this should be a closed beta as it is.... but it isnt even early access this is a full release, so with that mindset it probably isn't going to get any better.

Avoid this, there are so many better recent metroidvania hack n slashes out there more deserving of your money; Little Noah Scion of Paradise and Lost Epic are both  excellent examples.

1 Comment

Gohan CD
Gohan CD
Jul 30, 2022

i like a good hack n' slash game

After reading this article, i think you cleared all my doubts 😀

They released FULL GAME without even Early Access or closed beta as you described in your article

there are loads of Game Articles, i will go through them for sure, i already bookmarked this site, offcourse i found this from your Tweet

This is my Twitter ID @bkcd_

Have a Good Day to folks over eNRD 😊

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