Oddworld: Soulstorm is pretty terrible on so many levels.
Firstly it's incredibly tedious. The initial unskippable cut scene is a conversation between Abe and a witch doctor which basically goes "but we're free, no you're not, but we're free no you're not" for about 5 minutes. A major mechanic is throwing bottles of things whether they be explosive bottles or water bottles to put out fires.
Except you don't just throw one bottle you have to aim and throw bottles at each individual portion of fire, tedious.
What's even more tedious is sometimes you have to throw explosive bottles to knock down doors which in turn cause a fire that you then have to put out a little piece at a time. It's honestly like pulling teeth.
Controls are bad too. There's a tiny bit of input lag, Which just throws the entire rhythm of the game off for me and makes it feel clunky and wooden.
Aside from the fact that it uses a few little gimmicks with the dual sense controller there's absolutely nothing next-gen, groundbreaking or even good about this game. If you were to compare it with a recent platforming type release such as "it takes two" even on last gen consoles it blows this out of the water and puts it to complete shame. It's currently free on PS Plus so it's worth a look and decide for yourself. I had to force myself to play for about an hour and complete the first stage now I'm relieved to be able to uninstall this crap and free up some drive space.