After completely binging Ratchet & Clank rift apart over the weekend I've now had time to digest and reflect upon it.
The game took me about 12 hours to complete with another two or three hours just to go back and mop up the last few trophies for the platinum.
You could probably mainline the story in 7 or 8 hours.
It's a $70 game but does genuinely have some replayability with the challenge mode and modifiers upon completion.
I started a second play through to get my last trophies and it was a pleasure to revisit the world, even so soon and not in any way a chore.
The game is all killer no filler whatsoever. So even if you're looking at your games as a "cost per hour" it's still well worth the asking price for such an intense fun-filled experience.
A second playthrough or a new game plus would be akin to watching high-quality movie the second time , where you would notice so much more content that you missed the first time. Subtle effects, nods, Easter eggs and details you could easily miss concentrating on the main story elements on the first playthrough.
It is without a doubt the best looking game on the PS5 to date and quite possibly one of, if not the best looking next gen title.
It's also incredibly tight, it plays fantastically, combat is fast paced, responsive and exhilarating while load times not existent.
Transitions into and out of cutscenes with regard to fidelity and load times are seamless.
Musical score , 3D audio, haptics are all on point this is in effect like being in a Pixar movie.