Get ready to embark on an epic journey in Stray Blade, an action-packed adventure game that takes you on a quest through the ancient Valley of Acrea.
As you set off with your trusty Xhinnon wolf companion, Boji, you'll be immediately immersed in a rich and colorful fantasy world filled with magic, mystery, and danger at every turn.

Despite its enchanting setting and captivating storyline, Stray Blade does have a few technical issues that need to be addressed.
While the game's art and level design are both impressive and beautiful, there are a few bugs and glitches that detract from the overall experience.

The main issues revolve around the camera. The camera lock on seems to flick randomly between enemies you're currently attacking and others that are patrolling in the distance currently unaware of your presence. You can turn this option off in the settings, but even then frequent and random camera resets take you out of the action and make combat difficult; especially when fighting multiple enemies.
It basically becomes more luck than timed parries and dodges.
The game's dodge, parry, and roll mechanics are a bit sluggish and imprecise, which can make combat feel clunky, floaty and unsatisfying at times. Overall it just doesn't feel as responsive and polished as say a genuine soul's game.
There are some nice execution cinematics but there are also some pretty rubbish ones it can get a little repetitive as can the final narrative of the enemies. A seemingly Greta Thunberg inspired "how dare you!" seems to play over and over again as you dispatch humanoid enemies.

Despite these issues, Stray Blade still manages to offer a very immersive gaming experience in the soulslike vein.
Stray Blade has plenty of loot but not in the traditional sense of these types of games. As enemies are killed they will drop varying levels of materials needed for the games very comprehensive crafting system.
The different variety of weaponry on offer give you plenty of opportunities to customize your character and create a truly unique gameplay experience. With three Acrean metals to master, you'll have plenty of challenges to keep you engaged and entertained.
Overall, Stray Blade has the potential to be a truly amazing ARPG. With its colorful fantasy setting, engaging storyline, and innovative crafting system, it's an easy recommend .
While the game may still have a few teething issues that need to be addressed, there's no denying that it's a thrilling and engaging gaming experience that's sure to keep you coming back for more.
Looks like a pretty cool game with good ideas and art style. Seems the kind of game I would enjoy, will keep an eye on it. Twitter: fano23mta