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Writer's pictureAshraa

World of Mechs, battletech for Oculus Quest?

World of Mechs is a new online squad based PVP battler that also features a single player campaign.  You control one of over 30 Mechs with interchangeable and upgradable loadouts in fast paced battles.  Your left hand controls movement, right hand turret direction and your head controls the gun sights. Triggers on the left and right controller activate the respective side mounted weaponry.  As a native Oculus Quest 2 game it's not too bad. But compared to similar games running on separate hardware, such as Eve Valkyrie or Rigs, it does look a little basic and rough around the edges. It's kind of how 90s movies thought VR would look in the future.

Whether it's just overly ambitious for the hardware, or poorly optimized, World of Mechs unfortunately seems to suffer from very inconsistent frame rates.  Since I upgraded to the Oculus 2 and it's increased refresh rate, I haven't had VR sickness, until I played this. I was only able to play in 15 or 20 minutes bursts before I just felt sick due to the juddering and apparent drops in frame rate.

When it's running smoothly it's quite a fun game and as an Oculus exclusive it has the mech market well and truly cornered.

I personally feel that the Oculus/Meta store somewhat abuses it's monopoly and control digital sales. It's expensive compared to other platforms and lack of regional pricing seems unfair. However in the scheme of things World of Mechs is reasonably priced at $19.99. It's definitely one to check out if VR mech battles appeal to you, but if you are susceptible to motion or VR sickness I would give it a hard pass. 


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